art support FUND

Supporting, preserving and ensuring Ukrainian art!


art support FUND

Supporting, preserving and ensuring Ukrainian art!


News and projects

Current project

Gardens of Dreams

M17 Contemporary Art CenterFrom 25 July 2024, Kyiv, Ukraine

Project is Coming soon

Resilience Formula

M17 Contemporary Art Center102-104, Antonovycha St, Kyiv, Ukraine

Current project

Ukrainian Contemporary Art

Art Support Fund2 July 2024 - 20 April 2025, Prague, Czech Republic

Past project

Foretypes by Anatoly Kryvolap

M17 Contemporary Art Center11 April - 7 July 2024, Kyiv, Ukraine

Past project

Ukraine: The Light Will Win

The project of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine for Le Salon d’Automne in Paris
18-21 January, 2024, Paris, France

Past projectThe NAA of Ukraine, the M17 CAC, Kyiv, Ukraine

Rehabilitation. Art-therapy

Art-psychotherapeutic rehabilitation for mothers and childrenaffected by Russian aggression


The "Art Support Fund"

is an independent, non-profit, charitable and public-benefit foundation initiated by art and culture supporters.


Mission of the Fund

The fund's mission is to ensure sustainable operation of the Ukrainian cultural sector: people, assets and infrastructure as an important prerequisite for the Ukrainian nation’s vitality and unity for the sake of victory against the Russian invasion.


Purposes of the Fund



Support of development and functioning of Ukrainian culture in general under wartime and
exile conditions.


Provision of all-round assistance and support in the preservation of threatened Ukrainian cultural and artistic assets.


Financial and material assistance to artists (or other cultural figures) and their families, assistance to other citizens of Ukraine.

Artboard 24


Promotion of Ukrainian culture and support of the cultural sector, spreading awareness about Ukrainian culture.


Purposes of the Fund


Support of development and functioning of Ukrainian culture in general under wartime and
exile conditions.


Provision of all-round assistance and support in the preservation of threatened Ukrainian cultural and artistic assets.


Financial and material assistance to artists (or other cultural figures) and their families, assistance to other citizens of Ukraine.

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Promotion of Ukrainian culture and support of the cultural sector, spreading awareness about Ukrainian culture.

The consequences of the war

Cultural heritage

553objects of Ukrainian cultural heritage were damaged and destroyed  

Displaced people

4.8million internally displaced people registered in Ukraine


7thousand artists became refugees in other countries 


Artists support Ukraine

The Foundation supports artists for their active role in Ukraine's struggle, spirit-boosting, inspiration, education, and fundraising.


Sell Artworks

Maria Primachenko's "Flowers grew near the fourth power block" was sold for 500,000 dollars to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Hold Charity Auctions

"Art Without Borders" auction at the Royal Academy of Arts to support the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine.


Create to Show Support

Artists have been creating murals and other forms of street art to show support for Ukraine.


Buy to Donate

Ukrainian artists are buying cars for the Armed Forces of Ukraine using the proceeds from the sale of their artworks.


The activities of the Fund


Implementation or support

Implementation or support of actions leading to preservation of threatened Ukrainian cultural and artistic assets or implementation or support of actions aimed at protection of endangered Ukrainian cultural and artistic assets.


Securing transportation

Securing or supporting transportation of art objects to safety from places threatened or affected by war or otherwise and securing or supporting further preservation thereof.


Provision of assistance 

Provision of comprehensive assistance for the preservation and development of Ukrainian cultural values and artistic heritage under threat of damage or destruction.


Protection and conservation

Protection, conservation and temporary evacuation of art collections and holdings of cultural institutions.



Cooperation with European cultural institutions in preservation and protection of Ukrainian culture and art.


Assistance in cultural activities

Assistance in accommodation, employment, and professional activities to representatives of Ukrainian cultural sector.


The activities of the Fund


Implementation or support

Implementation or support of actions leading to preservation of threatened Ukrainian cultural and artistic assets or implementation or support of actions aimed at protection of endangered Ukrainian cultural and artistic assets.


Securing transportation

Securing or supporting transportation of art objects to safety from places threatened or affected by war or otherwise and securing or supporting further preservation thereof.


Provision of assistance 

Provision of comprehensive assistance for the preservation and development of Ukrainian cultural values and artistic heritage under threat of damage or destruction.


Protection and conservation

Protection, conservation and temporary evacuation of art collections and holdings of cultural institutions.



Cooperation with European cultural institutions in preservation and protection of Ukrainian culture and art.


Assistance in cultural activities

Assistance in accommodation, employment, and professional activities to representatives of Ukrainian cultural sector.



Preserving heritage, fostering growth, supporting initiatives for continuity of Ukrainian culture and arts.


Grant programs

Grant programs by government agencies, private foundations, corporations, and non-profit organizations.



Donations from physical/legal persons, NGO and government organizations, other sources.



Proceeds from auctions, exhibitions, projects and other possible commercial cultural and art activities.


Shared budgets

Shared budgets of international cultural and art institutions for common projects and activities.


Donation Details

By making a contribution, you will be helping to develop the Art Support Fund's activities and implement charitable programs that support Ukrainian culture and art during the war.


Current and future projects

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Gardens of Dreams at the M17 CAC

From 25.07.24

On 25 July 2024, at 6:30 pm, the Gardens of Dreams exhibition project opened at the M17 Contemporary Art Center, Kyiv, Ukraine, featuring international and Ukrainian artists.

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Resilience Formula at the M17 CAC

Open Call Deadline: 19.09.24

Open Call for artists for participation in the “Resilience Formula” project as part of the 16th “New Directions” platform of cultural initiatives (Ukraine) started on the 15th of August 2024.

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Ukrainian Contemporary Art


The Art Support Fund is organising the exhibition project in Prague, Czech Republic, for the audience to have a chance to view the best examples of Ukrainian contemporary art.


Past projects

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The “Foretypes” exhibition by Anatoly Kryvolap at the M17 Contemporary Art Center, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Abstract works that characterise the artist’s oeuvre from the 1990s to the 2000s, as well as icons created over the past year were on display. The exhibition was curated by Valeriy Sakharuk.

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Ukrainian avant-garde. Evolution. Replenishment of the collection


On 20 December 2023, the opening of the exhibition "Ukrainian Avant-Garde. Evolution. Replenishment of the Collection" took place in the Exhibition Centre of the Museum of Kyiv History, where 30 works by prominent Ukrainian artists were presented.

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Assembly Scheme at the M17 CAC


On 9 November 2023, the “Assembly Scheme” exhibition project will open at the M17 Contemporary Art Center. The exhibition is organised by the M17 CAC, Nahirna 22 NGO and Art Support Fund.

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Ukraine: The Light Will Win

18-21 January, 2024

The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine has been invited to participate at the 120th Le Salon d'Automne, which will be held from 18 to 21 January 2024, to present the “Light Will Win” project at the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris.

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CUTOUT Collage Festival at M17


In 2023, the Ukrainian international festival of contemporary collage CUTOUT COLLAGE FESTIVAL festival will be held in two European capitals – Kyiv, Ukraine (15.09-13.10) and Paris, France (8.09-24.09). 
In Kyiv, visitors will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the original analog, digital and animated collages of 96 artists. This year’s theme is Freedom.

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"The Concentration of the Will" Exhibition at the M17 CAC

12.07-31.08, 2023

The project aims to show how contemporary art reveals the Ukrainian vision of will, which contributes to the efforts of Ukrainians today to accumulate their strength to resist the Russian invasion. In this forceful field, freedom reveals its distinct meaning, which is not always realised in times of peace. It does not appear as a desire for unlimited power, but rather as the will to collectively resist any tyranny. 

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"The Concentration of the Will" Exhibition at the NAA of Ukraine

FROM 12ST JULY, 2023

On 12 July 2023, at 6 p.m., the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine opened the third part of the Concentration of the Will project as part of the 15th platform of cultural initiatives "New Aspirations".

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"Rehabilitation. Art-therapy" program


The "Rehabilitation. Art-therapy" is an innovative program of art-psychotherapeutic rehabilitation for mothers and children affected by Russian aggression and in need of psychological support. Over the course, participants of the program take part in various workshops in different forms of art, including graphics, painting, ceramics, collage, etc.

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"Born in Ukraine" project by the National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery"


The project Born in Ukraine exhibition features a diverse selection from the National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery" collection, as well as works of modern and contemporary art from both museum and private collections, highlighting the historical misappropriation of Ukrainian art by Russia over the centuries.

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The international performative conference "In the Face of Natural Disasters, War, and Pandemics: What is the Therapeutic Potential of Art?"

MAY, 2023

On the 4th of May, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, hosted an interdisciplinary conference “In the Face of Natural Disasters, War, and Pandemics: What is the Therapeutic Potential of Art?”.

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The support of the National Museum “Kyiv Art Gallery” in publishing “The First Century” issue to mark the anniversary 

APRIL, 2023

The Art Support Fund is proud to announce the support for a upcoming issue of the popular science periodical magazine "Antykvar" about art and collecting, which will focus on the National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery" and its first century of activity.

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Presentation of the "In the Eye of the Storm" project

15 JUNE, 2022

The presentation of the Ukrainian project “In the Eye of the Storm. Modernism in Ukraine 1900-1930s” was held at the Fondation Beyeler (Basel, Switzerland). The partners of the presentation were the Fondation Beyeler, the Natalia Cola Foundation, Ukrainian Institute, Artcult Foundation, Artelia consultancy (headed by Liliya Tippets) and the Ukrainian project "Strong & Precious" (headed by Olga Oleksenko). 



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The National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery"

The collection of the National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery" is housed in a building built for Mykola Tereshchenko in 1880. The museum holds over 12,000 artefacts from medieval Kyivan Rus’ icons to 20th-century modernist and socialist-realist art. The exhibits consist of icons, paintings, sculptures, graphic art, porcelain and others.

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The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine is an independent field-specific scientific and artistic institution located in Kyiv. The Academy's activities reflect the glorious Ukrainian traditions in art, science of art and education, the implementation of the highest cultural needs and aspirations of the public.

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M17 Contemporary Art Center 

M17 Contemporary Art Center (M17 CAC) is a cultural institution that functions as an educational and research platform, an exhibition venue for Ukrainian and foreign contemporary art. The activities of the Center are aimed at creating a dialogue space for professional circles and all agents of the culture sector.

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The National Art Museum of Ukraine

The National Art Museum of Ukraine is an art museum that has the most representative collection of Ukrainian figurative art in the world. Collection of the museum numbers almost 40 thousands exhibits, among which masterpieces of Ukrainian painting, sculpture, and graphics from Kyiv Rus age to nowadays are represented.

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The Modern Art Research Institute 

The Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (MARI) is unique scientific institution which undertakes fundamental research in all areas of conteprorary art. Its practical and theoretical studies are aimed on development of professional contemporary art and architecture.

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The Museum of St. Sophia Cathedral

St. Sophia Cathedral, Holy Wisdom of God Cathedral, St. Sophia in Kyiv is a Christian cathedral in the center of Kyiv. It is a monument of Ukrainian architecture and monumental painting of the second decade of the 11th century. This is one of the few surviving buildings of the Kyivan Rus’ time, one of the most important Christian shrines in Western Europe, the historical center of Kyiv Metropolis.


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