Donation Details

Supporting, preserving and ensuring Ukrainian culture!

We are deeply grateful for your willingness to help and make a donation in support of the preservation and development of Ukrainian culture and art during the war.
Please contact moc.liamg%40gro.dnufsa before making your donation to specify the project or program you wish to support, and to ensure proper processing of your donations.
We keep all our donors informed about the results and invite them to all projects held with their participation and support.

We are deeply grateful for your willingness to help and make a donation in support of the preservation and development of Ukrainian culture and art during the war.
Please contact ue.tnelaverp%40akcyzremven.l before making your donation to specify the project or program you wish to support, and to ensure proper processing of your donations.
We keep all our donors informed about the results and invite them to all projects held with their participation and support.

Public account  

IBAN: CZ84 0300 0000 0002 1787 6193


Bank: Československá obchodní banka a.s.

Bank address: Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Prague, Czech Republic

Recipient: Nadacni Fond -Art Support Fund
Michelská 1586/8, Michle, 140 00,
Praha 4
Czech Republic

Non public account

IBAN: CZ53 0300 0000 0002 1783 2713


Bank: Československá obchodní banka a.s.

Bank address: Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Prague, Czech Republic

Recipient: Nadacni Fond -Art Support Fund
Michelská 1586/8, Michle, 140 00,
Praha 4
Czech Republic